Reviews by Mick Mercer

We just received a couple of new reviews from ex Melody Maker writer Mick Mercer.

One was for Dean Garcia's newest project, SPC ECO, which we are distributing in North America.

(SPC ECO) "Together they extract the heat from some essentially grumbly soundscapes and make them strangely sweet, but never sickly. When a bright tingly guitar marks the appearance of ‘For All Time’, with a reassuring bass beneath and some big clumping drums, the addition of winsome vocals sets you up for a cool, restful sound, in which the guitar burrows through hotly...‘Shine On Down’ is quite a humming bird rave of a thing, like Julee Cruise blissed out in the clouds, casually deconstructing some early Cocteaus."

Check out the full review here.

He's also posted one of our Two Headed Monster.

We like his writing. Here's a tidbit from the review.

"‘Spaces In Between’ swipes the best china off the table and slaps down tectonic plates instead, the rhythmical fizz scampering as the vocals remain imperiously controlled, the song like a giant figurehead of a ship transplanted onto a lethal skateboard. Looming, zooming. It’s a crazed little caper, and we all like those..."

Read the full review here.