Meanstreat review...thanks Nikki

Collide, a Los Angeles based duo comprised of kaRIN (vocals) and Statik (programming), creates music that marries exquisite vocals with orchestrated layers of sounds. The band's latest release, "Chasing the Ghost", weaves together complex tapestries of rhythm, melody and texture in which kaRIN's velvety vocals and poetic lyrics add a beautifully human element to Statik's moody electronic washes and machine generated sounds. "Wings of Steel", an ethereal erotic piece reflects the bands gothic roots while "Halo's" infusion of eastern dance imagery and club friendly beats showcases the band's industrial nature. Not to be overlooked is Collide's mystical version of Jefferson airplane's "White Rabbit," which is utterly delectable. Overall, "Chasing the Ghost" is a pleasurable feast of rhythms-- offering up a perfect balance between sound and vision.


Grade A Nikki Neil: MeanStreet Vol 11.06/December 2000