Gothtronic review

Gothtronic review

Gothtronic, an online 'zine in the Netherlands is a great source for online music news, and it's not just because they really liked Two Headed Monster.

After the adventures in the side-project The Secret meeting with Dean Garcia (Curve), Collide is now back with a new album named Two Headed Monster. Each album of the darkwave rock band Collide is musically a strong album. That quality can also be found on Two Headed Monster. Like no other Collide manages to merge influences into their own unique sound, in which elements from triphop, gothicrock, industrial and metal are combined.

Collide is a band that really can be labeled as a band that defies genre borders. Singer kaRIN delivers her sensual vocals to the music due to which, next to the dark atmosphere, it gets a romantic touch. Collide knows like no other how to translate the traditional mystery of gothic to a modern state-of-the-art electrorock sound. The arrangements, programming and songs produced by Statik are mostly well done and of course the sound is flawless. We don’t expect anything else from Statik given his experience as producer.

Highlights on this new Collide studio album, which gets released five years after the previous album Some Kind of Strange, are a.o. the uptempo song ‘Chaotic’, immediately followed by the playful sounding song ‘A Little Too Much’, which next to an infectious guitar sound, also flirts with pop music which makes it a very radio friendly tune. The song ‘Pure Bliss’ represents the hypnotic touch in the Collide sound, which most probably finds its roots in the psychedelic music from the 60s and 70s. ‘Spaces in Between’ transports the Collide sound towards the dance floor of the industrial clubs.

The energy, accessibility and danceability in most of the tracks on the first half of the Two Headed Monster album is the most striking change compared to the more ethereal work on the previous album. The song ‘Silently Creeping’ however is the exception that sets the rule as this slowly compelling track with low-pitched guitar which almost sounds like a metal type of guitar, really grabs the listener by the throat. ‘Head Spin’ is next and this is the kind of swirly swinging tune with pop sensibilities you can find more in the oeuvre of Collide, of which the contrast with the previous track couldn’t be much bigger.

Title track ‘Two Headed Monster’ combines a triphop rhythm with the grandeur of a symphony orchestra. In ‘Shifting’ almost the same majestic touch is combined with a dark atmosphere in an almost soundtrack like track. The album is closed with the dreamy song ‘Utopia’. Again it can be noticed that KaRIN’s voice is a strong asset to this new album. Collide obviously has been undergoing a remarkable musical growth and have found new musical grounds due to their collaboration with Dean Garcia (Curve) and again this really comes forward in their new album Two Headed Monster. Two Headed Monster is without doubt the best album Collide has made so far.


Goatsden Review

Goatsden Review

Todd from the Goatsden sent us this review. Hey, we know it's not exactly Rolling Stone, or Spin...wait..are those magazine around anymore?? We don't know, they just seem to ignore our cds that we send to them. Anyway...Todd from the Goatsden likes Two Headed Monster. Goats love it. Statik's turtles love it. Why not get your own copy now??"

"Two Headed Monster is Collide's best work thus far, and any follower of dark and stylish modern rock should investigate now!"-Goatsden

Litany review +Tear Garden news

Litany review +Tear Garden news

Corey from Litany (the Skinny Puppy news site) sent us this review he put up recently. Besides the review, you'll find some news on the upcoming Tear Garden release. Thanks again to Cory for helping us out.

"...The electronic and live instrumentation on this album mesh with kaRIN's ethereal voice to form a sound that includes dashes of industrial, goth, glam, and shoegaze yet is altogether new."

keep reading for the full review

Zeitgeist Review

Zeitgeist Review

We've posted another great review that's come in from the U.K., this one from the Zeitgeist site. It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy. Thanks goes out to Stuart A. Hamilton.

..."It's another fabulous extravaganza in the history of Collide, by far the best darkwave / electro-goth / insert appropriate genre here release of the year, and one of the best albums of the year in any genre you're likely to hear. Go get it now."

The Machinist review (Belarus)

The Machinist review (Belarus)

Review #3 for Two Headed Monster is in from vAlien/DJ Commando LABELLA. Val is from Belarus and was kind enough to translate it into English for us, as our Russian is a bit rusty.

His English translation of the review can be found on our reviews page. The original review is in Russian and can be viewed here.

"...this is the most diverse, multi-layer, mature, hard, and complex record of (Collide). Shatteringly beautiful album!" -DJ Commando LABELLA

Fazer Two Headed Monster review

Fazer Two Headed Monster review

Another review for Two Headed Monster is in. Check it out here, at Fazer Magazine.

Thanks Mike Bax

Here's a little excerpt

...a totally unique listening experience. If you’re willing to jump on for the ride, Two Headed Monster will take you places most commercial releases cannot - and that’s right into the minds of it’s two creators. Another thought: Collide are not a band you want to rip into your computer at 128 bits and expect great things from. Two Headed Monster is headphone music of the highest order. Don’t sell yourself sort and accept truncated computer files as a means of playing the CD. Collide is some heady stuff - so treat it as such.

Collide release Two Headed Monster

Collide release Two Headed Monster

We are thrilled to present Two Headed Monster. The official release date is September 23rd. Pre-sale starts now!!!! The first 200 people to order from our store also get a free signed poster of the album. Aside from the two of us, some of our friends were kind enough to lend their talents to the CD, including Danny Carey from TOOL and Dean Garcia of Curve, as well as all of the Collide live band, Rogerio Silva, Kai Kurosawa, Scott Landes, and Chaz Pease. We look forward to sharing it with you and the rest of the world. Please help us get the news out.

Two Headed Monster release date

Two Headed Monster release date

We are getting soooooo close to being finished Two Headed Monster that we can almost taste it. We hope that you are as excited as we are. Mastering is done and we just finished up artwork... for an official release date of September 23- 08!!!

Next week or so, we will give you a sneak peek at the cover and the track list. For now, we just wanted to keep you up to date. If you haven't been checking out our blog on MySpace ( you've been missing out on some of the daily happenings during the last few months.

Also, to find about about the latest Collide information, please make sure you sign up for the Collide newsletter by sending an email to

If you think you're already signed up but haven't seen anything in a while, send us an email to sign up again (maybe your email address changed?)...or check your spam folder, as we are using a different program the past couple of months to send out the newsletter. Sometimes we send out newsletter with sales from our Noiseplus Music store, or special announcements that only newsletter subscribers may hear about, so sign up now!



There was someone who turned in a piece of artwork to the last Saints & Sinners contest. Although it was not right for the contest, we did like the artwork and are going to include it on the CD. The piece was called Collide Angel. Would the person who submitted the piece please contact us at We lost your contact and we want to make sure we give you credit on the CD and we also want to make sure to send you a copy when it's done. When you e-mail us, please include artwork so we know you are the right person and your mailing address.

Lastly, please help us spread the news...this time more than ever we need all the help we can get getting the word out there.

New Collide album...Two Headed Monster

New Collide album...Two Headed Monster

Finally an update on the new Collide CD. After three years of work, we are getting closer to the end. We can almost taste it. As you have probably realized with us by now, everything takes awhile. To us, the most important thing is to make something that we really believe in and that just takes time. The vocals are now complete and we are in the final stages. It always feels strange when you are coming to the end of something that you have worked a long time on... like something you do not want to let go... yet can't wait to let go of. It's not over yet...we still have some finishing up details to do, we will keep you updated.

It will be called... Two Headed Monster.

Lots more news to stay tuned.

Saints & Sinners sale

Saints & Sinners sale

For the next month (until June 15th) we are having a contest for Saints & Sinners which is the line of handmade accessories and clothing designed by kaRIN and handmade here at the studio. We are looking for some new artwork that we love. We know that lots of you are creative and we want to see what you can do. There are no restrictions, it could be Collide related, or not.

The winner will be chosen and we will make you a custom Saints & Sinners shirt, or ID case (your choice) and your artwork will be featured in an upcoming newsletter.

So send us your artwork entry here.

If it is something that we absolutely love (we are fussy) and would like to possibly add on to the line, we will ask you if we can license it from you and pay you $200 in trade from the Noiseplus store, or make $200 in special custom pieces for you.

Meanwhile in time for summer...Saints & Sinners girls tank tops and boys T-shirts are on sale for an extra special price. This will be for a limited time.

Shooting Laser Beams CD Super Single

Shooting Laser Beams CD Super Single

We finally have The Secret Meeting "Shooting Laser Beams" CD super single for you. "Shooting Laser Beams" is the second single from the album Ultrashiver, and clocks in with over 64 minutes of music.

The single also includes the song "Deep Freeze", a bass-heavy, previously unreleased song.

Also included is a remix of "Blacker Than Blue" by the Humble Brothers. (The Humble Brothers for those who don't know, include Ken Marshall, responsible for many of the Skinny Puppy mixes over the years, as well as remixes for tons of artists from Lincoln Park to Rammstein).

The remixes included on this single range from dancefloor ready club to industrial, ambient, downtempo, and a few in between.

We handpicked these remixes from over a hundred that were turned in. Thanks to the remixers involved. If you liked Collide's Vortex album, you will surely love this.

A special acoustic version of "Shooting Laser Beams" is also included. This special version has a newly recorded vocal and Rogerio de Silva on acoustic guitar.